United Nations Conference on 5 - 9 June 2017

17.04.2017 17:03

Dear Invitee, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,

On behalf of the organizing and scientific working committee, the United
Nations Department for The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Invitee,
Public and Private Sector,representatives, stakeholders ,Lawyers,
Organizations,individuals,SDGs Leaders,for a 5 days Summit in London, United
Kingdom on 5 - 9 June 2017 to assess the worst global economic down turn
since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term
responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, populations, and initiate a
needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial
architecture, taking
into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world.

The United Nations World Partnership Summit on The Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) coming up in 5 - 9 June 2017 was mandated at the Follow-up
International Conference on Financing for Development, held in June 2009 in
New-York. Member States requested the General Assembly to organize the
meeting "at the highest level" in London, United Kingdom.

Date: 5 - 9 June 2017.
Venue: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (the QEIICC) London, United
Kingdom. Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial
and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals
for an integrated global response to the crisis.

As an invitee, your registration code UN-SGDs:-65260/2017, which grants you
access to the registration form. The United Nations Commission on The
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will sponsor all-round flight ticket
for all participant. All Invited participants will only be responsible for
their hotel accommodation and feeding
cost at the Queen's Gate Hotel. The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
(the QEIICC) London, United Kingdom is the venue of this summit while the
Queen's Gate Hotel has been officially designated to accommodate all
participant for this unique and prestigious global financial and economic
crisis summit.

Participants will enjoy shows, attractions, activities, and tours available
in host city. Entry visa authorization letter will be given to all confirmed
participants who require a visa into United Kingdom through the Visa4UK
office free.

United Nations will welcome you if you are interested participants in this
Conference. Email us for your registration form, visa, flight ticket and
other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event and send
directly to our official email address: registration@ec-summit.org

Mrs.Victoria Flowers
SDGs Conference Secretariat
[Communication and Public Affairs].

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c/o Confcooperative Liguria - Via Varese 2
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