Trento (Italy), 21st – 25th September 2018 - Monitoring for learning - Tools and approaches for projects’ and programmes’ monitoring
The development world (from donors to practitioners) is increasingly questioning the impact and the measurability of results expected from projects and programmes’ activities. Measuring and evaluating the impact requires different approaches and tools than the ones used so far, as the complexity of the context and partnerships increase. Approaches such as Theory of Change can accompany NGOs from planning to evaluating the impact of their actions while taking into consideration the complexity of large partnerships and the challenges of a changing environment.
In order to be able to reach the results accord to plan, a good monitoring system must be in place. A good system requires the identification of meaningful indicators and source of information in the planning phase, but also sound procedures and accurate reporting between field and headquarter, a common vision on the meaning itself of monitoring in the overall process.
Monitoring allows to identify flaws and weaknesses, address issues before they become problems threatening the project itself, learn from observation and reflection thus improving the overall project implementation and finally guaranteeing more impact to our actions.
This training course aims at exploring monitoring tools related to the Theory of Change and other methods as an opportunity for improving the quality of projects and programmes within the framework of a learning approach.
learning objectives
After the training participants:
• can apply tools and frameworks for monitoring projects and programmes with a focus on the learning opportunities
• know the difference between different monitoring tools and know when to apply which one
• have the tools for allowing to work more equally in partnership
The workshop is an opportunity for participants to immerse themselves in an intense learning process of 4,5 days. An important characteristic of this training is that it combines theory and hands-on practice. Participants will try out and translate the learnt content immediately for their own organisation during the workshop.
The training is residential and English will be the working language.
The workshop targets Italian and European NGOs, more specifically decision-makers and leading officers, project and programme coordinators and staff abroad responsible for or involved in the management of project or programmes.
It is preferred that participation takes place in “pairs” i.e. a headquarters based staff member together with a staff member of the NGO or a local partner.
To facilitate the participation of the NGOs’ local partners, ICC will cover full board and lodging costs during the training and apply a reduced participation fee.
participants’ prerequisites
Knowledge of project management is preferable. Good knowledge of English is required.
Friday 21st September 2018 10.30 am – 5.30 pm
Introduction to the workshop
- Getting to know each other – expectations
- Overview of the program & learning objectives
- Practicalities
Refreshing the ToC
- What is ToC and where to use it for?
- Steps to develop a TOC for a development project or programme
- Relation between the TOC & Logical Framework
Saturday 22th September 2018 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Setting up a M (&E) – system
- How to build an effective Monitoring System
- Quality in monitoring
- Collection of data, baseline and indicators
Sunday 23th September 2018 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Quantitative vs. Qualitative tools
- - Difference between qualitative & quantitative tools
- - When to use what kind of tool? (linkage to logframe, ToC, PCM)
Monday 24th September 2018 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Monitoring tools
- Outcome Harvesting
- Outcome mapping
- Rapid Rural Appraisal – Participatory Rural Appraisal
Tuesday 25th September 2018 9.00 am – 1.00 pm
Monitoring tools & wrapping up
- Mobile data collection
- Use of surveys
- Action plan for the future
- Wrapping up
Final evaluation
Nancy Jaspers has a Master in Agriculture (Bio-Ir.) and a Master of Science in Human Resource Development. She has been working for more than 20 years within the sector of Development Cooperation: eight years as programme officer (Guatemala), two years as coordinator of FACTO (Fund for Self Development in Developing Countries), four years as head of department Research and Development for the NGO Trias (Belgium), and four years as consultant/trainer for MDF Training & Consultancy (Netherlands/Belgium and abroad). Between 2014 and 2018 she worked as an independent consultant, facilitator, trainer and coach under the name Camino Consult. Early 2018 she founded Humanya, which offers services to organisations to help them increase their results and impact, with the aim of turning the world into a better place to live and work.
how to apply
The workshop will be held with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 participants. Online application forms must arrive by 20th July 2018. In the event of overbooking, priority will be given to those participating in pairs (Italy or Europe based person and local staff or partner organisation).
Participation fee of Euro 300,00. The fee must be paid after receiving confirmation of selection to the workshop, which will be communicated by 25th July 2018. It covers participation fee, workshop materials, lunches and coffee breaks at the Centre. Please note that in order to facilitate the participation in pairs, ICC will apply a reduced participation fee of Euro 100,00 and cover the full cost of board and lodging for participants from partner organisations if s/he participates together with the headquarter based person.
International Cooperation Centre, Vicolo San Marco, 1 - 38122 Trento, Italy
work team
Nancy Jaspers, Trainer and Consultant at Humanya
Michela Bortoli, ICC – International Cooperation Centre
contact person
Michela Bortoli - International Cooperation Centre
Vicolo San Marco, 1 - 38122 Trento (Italy)
E-mail Tel. +39 348 4338534
Vicolo San Marco 1
38122 Trento (TN) - Italia
Tel. +39 0461 093000
Sede legale e Sede Operativa
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16129 Genova
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