Decentramento Amministrativo - Notizie dal Mondo dei Governi locali e dal Comitato di Citta´ Unite

03.12.2014 10:15

Italiani, se ci siete battete un colpo!


Segnalo: il Governo Svedese ha avuto dall'Unione Europea un progetto da 3,5 milioni di euro per il decentramento in Ukraina, la Germania ha sostenuto (assieme ad UE, UNDP ed altri) la conferenza sulla Democratic Governance (compreso decentramento) in Africa che si è svolta a Dakar, la Associazione francese dei Comuni e delle Regioni ha pubblicato una guida sulla cooperazione.

Segnalo anche l'intervento del re del Marocco che nel suo messaggio al Parlamento ha fatto riferimento anche del decentramento.



             Fabrizio Pizzanelli

Associazione Funzionari senza Frontiere



Decentralisation Newsletter nº 52
November 2014
The Decentralisation Newsletter is published by the Decentralisation and Local Self-Government Committee of United Cities and Local Governments to disseminate current news on decentralisation processes around the world. We encourage you to contribute to this newsletter; please contact the Committee Secretary:
  UCLG World Council in Haikou
The United Cities and Local Governments World Council was held in Haikou (China) from 23 to 26 November, with the participation of the Committee on Decentralisation and Local Self-Government (UCLG). As well as adopting the reports of the Rabat World Council and the Liverpool Executive Bureau, the new make-up of the Financial...
  Sweden promotes decentralisation in Ukraine
This November, the Swedish Government started up a European project worth 3.5 million euros aimed at providing support for the decentralisation process in Ukraine, one of the key reforms to extend the powers of local governments. This support will be provided in the form of international expert advice, training and...
  King Mohammed VI highlights the decentralisation process in Morocco
During his annual message to the Moroccan Parliament last October, King Mohammed VI highlighted his commitment to continuing the decentralisation programme to improve the efficiency of local government. In the opinion of King Mohammed VI, the major challenge currently facing Morocco is not just the distribution of powers...
  13th ARLEM Bureau meeting in Egypt
On 10 November in Luxor (Egypt), representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) and various members of the Committee of the Regions met for the first time since the ARLEM was created in 2010.The session focussed on discussing the working programme of the Union for the Mediterranean and implementation...
  The role of French local and regional governments in European development policy
The French Association of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) has reviewed the prospects of French local and regional governments in matters of European Union development policy. This review was disseminated through a publication which aims to contribute to an assessment of French local and regional...
  Third High-Level Dialogue on Democratic Governance in Africa
On 30 and 31 October, the Third High-Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance in Africa was held in Dakar (Senegal).The central topic of the conference was ‘Silencing the guns: strengthening governance to prevent, manage and resolve conflict in Africa’. The main aim was to explore the structural causes...
  Decentralisation and recentralisation processes in Latin America
On 25 November, the Chilean Institute of Municipal Studies (ICHEM) of the Autonomous University of Chile organised the seminar ‘Recentralisation? New approaches to sub-national government in Latin America’. The conference served as a meeting and discussion point for academics and professionals in the field of political...
  19th EU Conference: The new European Urban Agenda
The new European Urban Agenda was the main topic at the 19th EU Conference, organised by the Directorate for International Relations of Barcelona Provincial Council on 18 November in Barcelona. This year saw the participation of around 100 representatives from local government, other public bodies and economic and social...
  Cities will lead global transformations
Last October 31 was commemorated for the first time the World Cities Day. The role of the cities in the world in recent years has been increasing. Whereas between 2014 and 2050, around 2,500 million more people will live in urban areas, we cannot leave solely to national governments and the international community to face...
Activities of the Committee
  Urban Age Conference on Urban Governance in Delhi
The London School of Economics LSE Citiesinitiative, focussing on the study of cities and their development in an increasingly urbanised world, organised the Urban Age 2014 conference in the Indian city of Delhi with the support of the German foundation Alfred Herrhausen Society and the Indian National Institute of Urban...
  Local Government International Action Week
With the aim of boosting the key role of cities in the international sphere and promoting reflection and exchange among local governments, Barcelona Provincial Council in conjunction with GOBERNA-Latin America and the Municipal Government of Montevideo are organising the Local Government International Action Week from 23 to 27 February 2015.This week will...



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